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Ajit’s sleep was disturbed by this shrill laughter. He was now wide awake, but surprised to see that his brother was not sleeping by his side! It was almost midnight and very dark, where could he go at the middle of the night - he wondered!
Suddenly he saw, the demon was eating merrily his brother’s delicate body. His anger had no limit at the very sight. Quickly he got up and gave a hard knock at the demon’s head using all his sterngth. The demon shouted in pain, vomited a golden ball from his mouth and ran away.
Suddenly he saw, the demon was eating merrily his brother’s delicate body. His anger had no limit at the very sight. Quickly he got up and gave a hard knock at the demon’s head using all his sterngth. The demon shouted in pain, vomited a golden ball from his mouth and ran away.
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